9 foods your dog can’t eat

Reading Time: 2 min
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There are several foods that dogs should not eat and that we humans insist on giving our animals, most often unconsciously, about the risks that may occur.

Dogs should not follow the same diet as humans since most foods cause them intoxication and, in extreme cases, lead to death. Therefore, it is imperative to alert pet owners to a healthy diet, which should not extend far beyond dog food.

Get to know the nine foods present in human food that you should not give your dog at any time. You will be putting your dog’s health at risk by doing so.

Onion and garlic
Onion and garlic are well present in the human diet, and when there is leftover food, it is usually up to the dogs to eat it. These foods contain thiosulfate, composed of sulfur and oxygen. They should not be consumed by dogs, as it causes red blood cells to oxidize, contributing to the development of hemolytic anemia. Avoid giving your dog onions or garlic, even in small amounts.

Although the cause of severe reactions in dogs to grapes is unknown, this food causes severe intoxication in the animal, which should be avoided by the owner giving the food to the dog, even in small doses.

Just like humans, dogs need sugar. The sugar present in dog food is more than enough for the dog’s diet, so avoid giving it extra sugar. Offering extra sugar can have several consequences for the animal’s health, such as weight gain and dysregulation of blood glucose, leading to the onset of diabetes.

Plums, peaches, persimmons, and other stone fruits
The seeds and seeds of fruits contain cyanide, a toxic substance to dogs’ health, which can cause inflammation of the small intestine and intestinal obstruction in the dog. Dogs can eat these fruits, but never with the pits or seeds. So, if you want to protect your pet’s health, always remove the seeds from the fruit before giving them to your dog to eat.

Since the bones can be sharp, ingesting this food can lead to internal injuries and even perforate specific organs in the dog, such as the esophagus. In addition to the damage it can cause internally, bones can contain highly harmful bacteria to the animal’s health.

Coffee, tea, and other caffeinated beverages
Caffeinated foods are hazardous for dogs, especially nervous, urinary, and cardiac systems. Why? Because it causes poisoning in the animal, causing it to show symptoms such as trembling, vomiting, or hyperactivity. It speeds up the animal’s heartbeat in extreme cases, making it more breathless.

Chocolate and Cocoa
Chocolate and cocoa, because of having caffeine and theobromine in their composition, cause intoxication in dogs. When dogs consume chocolate or cocoa show symptoms such as tremors, vomiting, or hyperactivity, it speeds up the animal’s heartbeat in extreme cases, making it more breathless.

Milk and derivatives
As dogs enter adulthood, the lactase enzyme, which is responsible for directing lactose, decreases in the body, causing dogs to become lactose intolerant.

Did your dog eat any of these foods?
If your answer is yes and your dog has symptoms, act quickly and immediately take him to your veterinarian.

Protect your dog!

9 foods your dog can’t eat Read More »