
What do dogs know about their owners?

Reading Time: 2 min
What do dogs know about their owners?

Dogs know things about their owners that the owners don’t even realize. Known for being very intelligent, dogs begin at an early age to demystify their owners and understand their behaviors. Even if we try to trick the bigeye and show that we feel something we don’t feel, the dog can understand and distinguish between the lie and the truth.


Dogs can tell when their owners are afraid. As? When we are afraid, we release adrenaline and cortisol, and the dogs’ sense of smell can detect the release of these substances. In addition, facial and body expressions denounce the owners, since dogs can also interpret the various expressions, associating them with feelings.

This behavior also influences the behavior of dogs, causing them to feel fear in the same way. This is one of the reasons dogs pick on people who are already scared, because they are scared too.


As indicated in the previous point, dogs can interpret the facial and body expressions of the owners. Through this interpretation, they can see if the owners are sad and happy. They are sensitive to any sign and, even when the owners try to hide it, the animal can see that it is a lie.


There are some diseases that dogs can identify like cancer, for example. If your dog insists on sniffing any part of its body, be surprised and make sure that everything is fine in terms of health. Don’t mistake the insistence of smell as when they sniff when owners have been with other animals or near something with a strong smell.


It is common for dogs to approach pregnant women to the point of wanting to protect them. Dogs can understand the pregnancy process and even feel the need to protect babies after they are born.

Where was the owner

Through smell, dogs can perceive where the owner has been, the path he has taken, and even if he has been with other animals or people. Dogs’ sense of smell is very keen to the point of allowing the dog to make a map of everything the owner has done outside the house.

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How to travel by car with the dog?

Reading Time: 3 min
How to travel by car with the dog?

Traveling by car with the dog may not be an easy task for many owners, especially if the pup is compromising everyone’s safety.

Therefore, when traveling by car with your dog, know that the main priority must be to ensure that both the bigeye and you travel safely. The dog must not go in the car loose, on the owner’s lap, on the owner’s shoulders, in the suitcase, or anywhere else without the minimum safety conditions being guaranteed. Think about how you would take a 2-year-old in the car and apply the same thought to your dog.

There are 3 options for taking the dog in the car:

1) Carrier

Take your dog inside an appropriate dog carrier. The box goes inside the car and is a way to protect your bigeye from possible accidents, distract those who are driving, and even damage the vehicle.

There are, however, many dogs that get nervous when being transported inside a crate and so consider other options that make the bigeye as less stressed as possible.







2) Chair

The dog seats are covered in fabric that attaches to the seats and has a safety belt suitable for animals. The only drawback of this option is that it is not a valid option for large dogs, only small and medium.







3) Chest with car guide

This option is valid for all dogs, from the smallest to the biggest. It is a collar that is placed on the dog’s chest and is attached to the seat belt. Always opt for a collar attached to the chest rather than the neck because, in an accident, the dog’s body is fully pulled instead of just the neck being pulled.







My dog ​​doesn’t like to ride in the car, what do I do?

There are several dogs that don’t like cars and get sick when they do. They are usually trembling, scared, scared, and even crying. In extreme cases, they may even vomit or defecate.

To help your dog overcome the fear of riding in a car, you should talk to him during the trip, showing that there is nothing to fear. Make a few stops for the dog to drink, pee, and calm down. If over time and after a few trips, the bigeye still shows symptoms of fear, we advise you to take him to the vet so that he can be prescribed a medicine that allows him to calm down.

Always prioritize everyone’s safety and well-being. Remember that the dog did not ask to travel by car and that, if he is not used to it, it is normal to feel scared. This is where owners must act and help their animals to overcome these moments. Always protect and take care of your bigeye!

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Tips for taking your dog to the beach

Reading Time: 2 min
Tips for taking your dog to the beach

With summer just around the corner, we decided to choose some tips to keep in mind when taking your bigeye to the beach. Some tips may go unnoticed by owners, but it’s small details that make a difference in the well-being of dogs.

Before taking the dog to the beach, find out if the beach you want to go to allows dogs to enter. There are beaches that prohibit the entry of animals, so be safe from this situation.

Collar with identification

Opt for a collar with identification and your contact details so that, if your dog gets lost, he can return home more easily. Unforeseen events happen, so be prepared.

Release the dog

Be especially careful when releasing your dog on the beach, as there are other people who are afraid, who don’t like dogs or who have a phobia. When you release your dog, remember that you are somehow forcing other people to interact with your bigeye, which is not correct.

In addition to people, there are also other dogs on the beach that may not be receptive, causing a fight between them.

Bags to collect feces

Don’t leave the house to a public place without the bags to collect your bigeye’s feces. Keep the beach clean!

Bring water for the dog

Regardless of the number of hours you spend on the beach, take plenty of water with you so that your dog can hydrate whenever he wants. Even if the dog does not show a desire to drink water, point the bottle at him and release the water to encourage drinking.

In addition to thirst, keep the dog’s body wet or damp so that it does not overheat, thus preventing hyperthermia.

Parasol or shade

Prevent your dog from being exposed to the sun in the hottest hours. Look for shade or take a parasol with you so the two of you can protect each other.


Just like us humans, dogs also need sunscreen. Whenever the bigeye is exposed to the sun, apply sunscreen to the animal’s fur, especially if the dog is white with short hair.

Dark colored dogs also need sunscreen, especially in areas where there is less hair like the ears, paws and belly. In addition to burns, the sun can cause skin cancer.


If your dog is afraid of the beach, choose to take some toys with him and spend some time playing with the bigeye. Encourage play so that the animal will forget about fear. In addition to the fear issue, the animal may also be bored and need to have fun.

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Dog care in summer

Reading Time: 3 min
Dog care in summer

The hottest months of the year can be challenging for our four-legged friends. There are numerous situations in which heat can lead to the death of our animals and, therefore, it is up to the owners to ensure the well-being of their animals in the hottest seasons.

Walk time

Walk your dog during the cooler hours, such as early morning and late in the day/night. The outside temperature in the hottest hours can reach 45ºC in the shade, not to mention the temperature of the ground exposed to the sun that can burn the animal’s paws.

Respect the dog’s limits

If you have walked for 5, 10, 15 minutes or more and your dog is tired, then stop. Do not pull or force the dog to walk further, as the animal may feel unwell and may even have a hyperthermia attack. If your dog doesn’t want to walk, end the walk and take him home.


Just like us humans, dogs also need sunscreen. If you’re going to walk your dog and it’s sunny, put sunscreen on the animal’s fur, especially on white short-haired dogs.

Dark colored dogs also need sunscreen, especially in areas where there is less hair like the ears, paws and belly. In addition to burns, the sun can cause skin cancer.

Play time

Try to play with your dog during the cooler times of the day, especially if you are in places without air conditioning or with a cool environment. Try not to overwork the dog by making him hotter than he already is.


Water is essential for the rehydration of dogs and in the summer it is even more so. Have plenty of water available and within reach of the bigeye so you can refresh yourself at any time. Change the water frequently, as the water bowl is prone to drooling, dirty and furry. It is really very important that the water is always fresh and in the shade.

Keep the house cool

If you can, try to keep your house cool so that it is as pleasant as possible for the dog to be able to withstand and even overcome the heat.

Dogs in the yard

If you have your dog in the backyard, prepare a shady spot so that the animal can protect itself and not get even hotter. Consider the sun’s circulation and don’t forget that the shade changes according to this circulation. Make sure the dog has shade available throughout the day.

The dog’s water also must be in the shade. Do not leave it exposed to the sun.


If you walk with your dog in the car, turn on the air conditioning or open the windows so that the air circulates and you can cool off. The car is a place that naturally gets hot and, if it is parked in the sun, it gets even hotter and even unbearable for the dog to breathe, which can lead to the death of the animal.

Never leave the dog in a car parked in the sun, especially with the windows closed. There are numerous cases of dogs dying inside the car due to the high temperature that the vehicle gains in the sun.

Don’t forget that your dog’s safety depends on you. Protect your dog.

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Dogs that itch a lot: Know the 5 reasons

Reading Time: 3 min
Dogs that itch a lot: Know the 5 reasons

It is normal for dogs to scratch themselves, but we must be alert when they constantly scratch too much. There can be several reasons that lead dogs to scratch themselves a lot, and the ways of scratching are also different. In addition to the well-known gesture of scratching with the back paw, some dogs scratch themselves by rubbing their backs, others rub their muzzles on various surfaces, and it can also happen that dogs scratch themselves by licking their paws.

Discover the top 5 reasons that make your dog scratch a lot, beyond normal.

Allergic dermatitis
Several reasons can cause allergies in dogs, such as, for example, a component present in the food, cleaning products that have been in contact with the bigeye, among others. Allergies cause itching in dogs, which is one reason that leads them to scratch a lot.

Fleas and ticks are one of the most common reasons dogs constantly scratch themselves. If you checked your dog’s fur and saw fleas or ticks, take him to the veterinarian to prescribe an efficient treatment for the pup to eliminate these parasites.

After going to the vet and during treatment, don’t forget to clean your house so that the animal doesn’t get parasites again.

Scabies is nothing more than a skin disease caused by mites, and that causes a lot of itching in dogs. In addition to itching, if your dog has peeling skin, redness, areas of the body without hair, dark spots on the skin, or any other different sign on the skin or fur, you should take him to the vet because it could be mange.

Boredom can cause dogs to scratch themselves because they have nothing else to do. This action can create a compulsive behavior in the dog, making a habit. In these cases, owners should walk the dog more and play with it. Buy him some toys to play with while you’re away or flavored chews. It’s a way to pass the time and be entertained.

Canine otitis is an ear canal infection that causes dogs to scratch their ears a lot. It can be caused by fungi, mites, and infections caused by bacteria, among other causes. If your dog is scratching his ears, check them to see if they are red or have excess wax production, blood, or other abnormal signs. If your dog shows any of these signs, take him to the veterinarian immediately so that he can be properly monitored and treated.

In addition to the reasons mentioned, the dog may be scratching itself very simply to get the owner’s attention. Dogs are intelligent beings that quickly learn how to manipulate their owners. When dogs do something and realize that that thing was enough to get their attention, they are likely to repeat it, thus creating a habit.

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Does your dog make holes in the ground? Find out how to solve it!

Reading Time: 2 min
Dog digs holes

Most dogs are fans of digging holes in the ground, and owners with gardens at home know what we are talking about. Despite bothering many owners, the truth is that digging the earth is a good habit for the dog since it is a way to entertain or even find a cooler place in hot weather to lie down.

Does your dog also dig holes in the ground and want to know how to stop this habit? Discover our tips to end this addiction of your bigeye!

Create specific corners for your dog to make holes in the dirt

As indicated earlier, many dogs make holes to lie down in a cooler place. That would be ideal if you left a free spot in your garden where your dog could dig. If the dog has a place just for him, he will not make holes in flowers, vegetables, or passage areas.

Walk with your dog

Dogs can also dig holes out of excess energy or boredom. Many owners are still of the opinion that they don’t need to walk their dogs because they have a yard, garden, or a big house for them to run, but the truth is that dogs don’t start running on their own. They need to be stimulated, and, for that to happen, you should walk the bigeye.

Bury the feces in the holes the dog made

If you bury the feces in the dog’s holes, when he opens the hole again and finds his feces, it will serve as a kind of punishment. The next time he goes to dig holes, he’ll remember the experience of digging up his feces, and he won’t want to go through that again. Note that dogs are very hygienic animals.

Adapt your garden

Digging is not a bad habit for the dog. It is good for him, as it passes the time, distracts you, and spends energy, among other benefits. Digging holes in the dirt is bad for the owners, not the dogs. So, you can strategically adapt your garden, such as installing a physical barrier (wall or fence), protecting your flowers with a net, etc.

Don’t scold your dog

When you see your dog digging holes in the garden, don’t yell at him. If you do, the dog will understand that you are paying attention and may start to make more holes precisely to get your attention.

You should distract him and call him to do something else. The dog may not realize that the act of digging holes in the dirt is what got his attention. Don’t ignore it because if you do, the dog will create a compulsive behavior and make digging a habit, which is very difficult for the owners to solve.

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10 Things Dogs Hate About People

Reading Time: 4 min
10 Things Dogs Hate About People

Did you know that there are things we owners do that dogs don’t like at all? It is true! Our dogs are also sad and angry with their owners, and many do not even know that this happens.

Curious about what makes your dog angry with you? Get to know the top 10 things dogs hate about people.

Noises and strong smells
It is usual for dogs not to like loud noises, as dogs have a much sharper hearing and, therefore, are more sensitive than humans. So, any noise that bothers people will upset the dog a lot more. The hairdryer, the vacuum cleaner, and fireworks are some examples.

Some dogs get used to loud noises from babies, and when they become adults, they are not scared, but, in general, most dogs hate it.

Regarding smells, it is also a delicate issue since the sense of smell is much more acute than that of people. Whatever smell is stronger for the owner, it is worse for the dog.

Talking a lot and not using body language
We talk to dogs most of the time, and we don’t use gestures and short words that they can understand, which completely irritates the dogs. Dogs prefer that owners communicate with them using body language and a few short words that they already know and that they can assign meaning based on past experiences.

Be always complaining
When we are in a bad mood, we get irritated by anything and transmit a sense of negativity and irritability to the dogs.

Complaining a lot is not a positive attitude. It only causes stress and fear. When you scold your dog for something he’s done, but he’s done it for a while, he won’t realize what he’s done wrong and will be scared of you.

Lack of routine and inconsistency
Dogs like to have a routine because they feel more secure and calm. The lack of routine or inconsistency, such as meaningless arguments, makes the dog feel uncomfortable at home and constantly stressed and bothered.

We advise you to plan the hours you will give your dog attention and always use the same way to communicate with him. In this way, the dog will not be restless or upset.

Stare into the eyes
Dogs don’t like their owners to stare into their eyes. If you’ve done this at some point, you’ve undoubtedly noticed that the dog looks away. Eye contact for dogs means a state of alertness, defiance, or fear. Avoid meeting a dog’s eyes, especially if it’s not yours.

Too many kisses and hugs
Certain things are normal for owners who enjoy squeezing, hugging, and kissing their dogs, but they don’t interpret these actions the same way owners do. Dogs don’t hug or kiss, so when you hug or kiss your dog constantly, it’s confusing for him, mainly if he hasn’t been used to it since he was a baby.

Not holding the leash properly and walking in a hurry
Commonly, we do some things wrong when we walk the dog, but it is necessary to learn to correct them if we want to enjoy the walks in the best way possible.

Sometimes, when walking the dog, we pull the leash too close to us, not giving the dog freedom to explore the area and the smells around. Other times, we walk the dog for a short time because we are in a hurry.

Dogs need time to explore the area and bond with other animals to smell their needs and play. Give your dog time and space to explore!

It is normal during the colder seasons for owners to dress their dogs in their clothes, but the use of accessories bothers the dogs a lot. Dogs don’t feel comfortable, and when we laugh about putting accessories on them, they don’t understand why we do it, and they get confused without realizing our reaction.

Bathe often
It’s normal for people to shower every day, but for dogs, it’s not.
Dogs have their way of cleaning themselves and even need their scent to communicate with others. It’s one thing to bathe the dog when it’s dirty. It’s another thing to bathe constantly, which is even inadvisable.

Do you have questions about dog bathing? Learn more here.

Boredom and loneliness
Dogs can’t stand being bored as they want to be entertained and spend time with their owners. They don’t like it when the owners ignore them when they’re absent, when they don’t know when they’re going to get home or if they’re going to come home.

Buy toys and walk your dog every day so he can exercise physically and psychologically. Do not allow your dog to spend too much time alone.

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Dogs that cry too often: know the reasons!

Reading Time: 3 min
why does my dog cry a lot?

Dogs that cry often do so for some reason. When a dog cries, this is his way of communicating with the owner and saying that he is sick, afraid, or needs attention.
It is up to the owners to understand what is going on with the animal and make it feel good and comfortable. If you can’t find out why your dog is crying more than usual, seek help and go to a veterinarian.

Here are the main reasons why dogs cry often:

To get attention
When dogs cry to get attention, owners often think they are crying because they are too pampered, so they choose to ignore it. Ignoring the dog is a completely wrong attitude since, as mentioned above, crying is part of dogs’ language, and we should not ignore them. We have to give them the attention they need and try to understand what is happening.

A dog can be afraid for various reasons, such as a loud noise, anxiety, strange people, or even the presence of other animals. Try to understand if anything has changed in the dog’s environment to find out what might be tormenting him.

Basic needs
A dog can also cry because it has run out of food or water, because it needs to leave the house or relieve itself. Crying in these cases is easily recognized because once the dog’s needs are met, he becomes silent and peaceful.

A sick or in pain dog is likely to cry, especially when touched in the affected area or when making some movement. The dog must be examined to confirm/dispel any suspicion. If owners notice that the dog cries because it has difficulty urinating or defecating, the animal should be taken to the vet immediately.

Not all crying is negative. Dogs can also cry when they are very emotional. A clear example of this is when the owner comes home. Many dogs are nervous the moment their owners get home and, therefore, when they arrive, they run to welcome them, greet them and even end up whimpering. When the greeting ends, the crying also ends.

Baby Dogs
Baby dogs cry, and it’s normal. When a baby dog ​​arrives at a new house, he feels for the first time loneliness and fear. He finds himself in a situation that is new and unknown to him. Baby dogs need time to adjust to their new family. Owners can help the animal adapt and give it security and confidence. Gradually, the baby dog ​​will stop crying.

Senior Dogs
Osteoarthritis problems cause a lot of pain and can also make dogs cry, among other issues such as disorientation and discomfort that usually require the intervention of a veterinarian. Older dogs undergo several changes due to mental and physical aging processes that can cause them to cry. If he cries at night, it could mean that his sleep patterns are changing, causing him to spend more time sleeping during the day.

Whatever your dog’s reason for crying often, your role as an owner is to make sure you try everything to make your dog feel good again. Don’t ignore the signals your dog gives you, and stay alert.

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Why is my dog ​​licking his paws a lot?

Reading Time: 3 min
3.479 / 5.000 Resultados de tradução Why is my dog ​​licking his paws a lot?

When a dog licks its paws a lot, it signifies that something is incorrect. If you see your dog licking its paws more than usual, know that you must be attentive and understand what is causing the bigeye discomfort. Take the dog to the vet and have him check that he is okay.

For owners who spend a lot of time outside the house and who, for that reason, do not notice the change in the dog’s behavior, three signs stand out in how the dog is licking its paws a lot:

-One of them is granulometry. Granuloma is sore and signs that the dog is licking its paws.

-The other sign is coloration, especially in dogs with acid tears. Dogs with acid tears have tear marks in their eyes as if they were always crying. This means that the pH of the dog’s secretion is acidic. When we look at the dog’s paws, the paws also have a different color from the rest of the fur. They are usually darker than the rest of the body color. But why? Because dog saliva, like tears, is acidic.

-Another sign is redness on the paws that can be caused by contact allergy.

Why does the dog lick its paws a lot?

#1 Allergies
Allergy to something present in the environment he lives, allergy to some food or cleaning products. Allergies cause itching, and dogs lick their paws to combat the itch.

#2 Anxiety
This is one of the main reasons dogs constantly lick their paws, especially dogs that spend a lot of time alone and are stressed.

#3 Boredom
The dog may be licking his paws a lot because he has nothing else to do. It’s a way to occupy time and be entertained.

The solution for both anxiety and boredom is the same. The dog should be walked, and owners should spend more time playing with the animal. The bigeye’s quality of life needs to be improved!

#4 Dry skin
Dry skin is itchy. If your dog is licking its paws because of dry skin, it should be taken to a vet to resolve this issue.

#5 Fungi
The most common fungus in dogs is the Malassezia fungus. In addition to intense itching, the observable signs include hair loss, abrasions on nails and teeth, and thick and rough skin. Dogs usually rub their skin against objects and rugs, dark spots on the skin of the ears and behind. There are other signs besides those mentioned, so you should pay attention to your bigeye.

#6 Parasites
Fleas and ticks are two common parasites in dogs that cause itching, especially ticks that lodge between the toes of dogs’ paws.

#7 Pain
Sometimes dogs can be bitten by an insect. They can burn their paws on the hot ground. They can have hurt their paws in some way. Numerous reasons cause foot pain, so it is often not easy to find the problem causing it.

If your dog licks its paws exhaustively and his behavior has completely changed due to this symptom, immediately take the pup to a veterinarian.

The seven reasons mentioned above are not the only ones that lead dogs to lick their paws. A veterinarian will be the professional indicated to indicate the problem and the respective solution. Take care of your pup!

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10 reasons dogs drink a lot of water

Reading Time: 3 min
10 reasons dogs drink a lot of water

Dogs should always have water at their disposal. Still, when they start drinking more water than usual, it is a sign that should not be ignored, as it can be related to various diseases that develop quickly and become critical problems.

In addition to water that should always be available when the dog wants it, food also plays an important role in water intake, and, therefore, owners need to give their dogs wet food. In addition to wet food, they should also change the water every day, since when the water is exposed to dust, it becomes dirty, and it is not good to give that water to dogs. If owners don’t drink powdered water, why should dogs drink?

If you’ve noticed that your dog is drinking more water than usual, get to know the ten most common reasons dogs consume more water.

#1 Breed
Some breeds like water more and need to ingest more water than others. This reason is not problematic and is normal.

#2 Crushing Syndrome
This disease affects the endocrine system of dogs by altering cortisol levels. Cortisol is a hormone that helps control stress and is one of the main reasons your dog is thirstier than usual. In addition to thirst, other disease symptoms are increased hunger, obesity, hair loss, and muscle weakness.

#3 Diabetes
Diabetes prevents dogs’ bodies from adequately absorbing sugar from food, causing blood glucose levels to rise. Dogs with diabetes look to drink more water, but this is not the only symptom. Other symptoms of diabetes are extreme hunger, weight loss, excessive urination, more sleepy and still dog, among other symptoms. Stay tuned!

#4 Extreme weather changes
Extreme weather changes affect the loss of water from a dog’s body and, consequently also, its water intake. Like us, dogs that play outdoors on hot summer days may feel more thirsty to compensate for dehydration.

#5 Liver Diseases
Liver diseases will make your dog consume more water and are related to aging in dogs. It changes the color of the eyes in dogs, turning yellow, and the body weakens. Signs of mental confusion and increased thirst are symptoms that can show that your dog may be suffering from this disease.

#6 Hypercalcemia
Hypercalcemia is high levels of calcium in the blood. Dogs tend to be more depressed, sluggish, and have vomiting and constipation.

#7 Kidney failure
When a dog’s kidneys fail, it affects blood pressure and hormone production, among other consequences. Dogs suffering from kidney failure experience increased thirst, weight loss, constipation, and vomiting.

#8 Medicines
Some medications, such as steroids, can cause the dog to drink too much water as a side effect.

#9 Pyometra
It affects only non-sterilized bitches. It is a disease that manifests itself due to hormonal changes in the canine uterus.

#10 Psychogenic Polydipsia
It is a behavioral condition that manifests itself in excessive consumption of water. Applies to any signs of unusual thirst without physical reasons.

Take care of your pup! Don’t ignore the fact that your dog is drinking a lot of water. As mentioned initially, some conditions that cause extreme thirst can develop quickly and become a critical problem.

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