
7 Signs Dogs Love Their Owners

Reading Time: 2 min
7 Signs Dogs Love Their Owners

Recent research has revealed that dogs develop a deep feelings for their owners. When they are with their owners, they release oxytocin, the love hormone.

In general, dogs are known for being friends and faithful companions. However, some dogs develop a solid feelings, even loving their human.

Know the seven main signals that dogs emit that prove their love for their owners.

#1 Chase the owner
The dog insists on following the owner anywhere. He always wants to be close to his owner and chase him around the house. This situation bothers some owners who end up tripping or feel like they don’t have space to move around. If that’s your case, don’t get angry with your dog. Educate him to respect your space.

#2 Schedules
The dog knows the owner’s schedule and is always waiting for him to come home. We could almost say that the minutes count for the owners’ arrival, getting anxious.

#3 Happy when the owner comes home
The dog is euphoric when the owner comes home and welcomes him with great joy. He is ecstatic, wants to lick it off, and desperately fans the cause.

#4 Mood change
Mood changes along with the owner. When the owner is happy, the dog is too excited, wants to play, and does everything to get attention. When the owner is sad, the dog is also downcast and quiet, sharing in the owner’s sadness and pain. This is one of the great signs of canine empathy.

#5 Farewell
The dog always says goodbye to the owner. Accompanies him to the door to say goodbye with eyes of affection and sadness in the mix.

#6 Protection
The dog protects the owner at all costs and always walks ahead of him, as he thinks that any unusual situation can pose some danger to his safety. Sometimes he can even attack people who get too close to the owner.

#7 Suffering
The dog suffers when separated from the owner for some time. He gets sad and gets sick to the point of not eating. He goes into a deep depression that can lead to his death. This is all caused by the pain of separation from the owner, which makes his immune system weakened.

These are just some of the most well-known signs. However, there are other signs that dogs can give, not least because dogs are all different from each other. If your dog has attitudes similar to these in your daily life, you can be sure that your dog loves you and that your four-legged friend will always be waiting for you.

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10 Signs your dog is in pain

Reading Time: 3 min
10 Signs your dog is in pain

Dogs are part of our family and are our best friends. In return, our fundamental role as owners is to know how to promptly identify the signs that the dogs give us when something is wrong. Dogs only have us to help them, and when something is not right with them, the only way they have to show it is through their behavior.

Discover the top 10 and most frequent signs that dogs show when they are sick:

#1 Stay away from owners

Dogs become antisocial, stop looking for owners, avoid contact and, in some cases, become aggressive when trying to approach them.

#2 Changes in eating and sleeping

Dogs lie down and standstill in an attempt to heal. When they are in pain, they usually sleep more than usual. Sometimes it can even be difficult for them to move in so much pain and not be able to play like they used to. They lose their appetite and have difficulty eating.

#3 Sounds of Pain

When dogs are in pain, they growl, howl and whimper more. They try to get the owner’s attention in various ways. If your dog has started to howl more than usual, make sure the dog is okay.

#4 Excessive cleaning

If your dog is constantly licking its paws, it is likely trying to calm itself down. The first instinct is to lick and treat the wound when dogs get hurt. However, the injury can be internal, and, in these cases, they also lick their paws.

#5 Change in breathing

Dogs begin to breathe in a wheezy way without having exercised. Shorter, shallower breathing is a worrying sign that you should be aware of and react quickly.

#6 Change in mobility

Rigid mobility and limp. They are one of the most obvious signs of pain in dogs and are likely the result of injuries, foot pain, or even arthritis. Observe if your dog has difficulty going up and down if he has a slower movement when getting up or if he lifts one of his paws when walking.

#7 Uncomfortable
Another prevalent sign is when the dog repeatedly moves from side to side to find a comfortable sleeping position. If your dog is sleeping less than usual, it is also a sign that something is incorrect.

#8 Body and posture changes

When dogs are in pain, they have a stiff, hunched posture, tucking their tails between their paws. They do this to stretch and feel more comfortable.

#9 Tremors

Several factors can cause tremors in dogs, but the most frequent is caused by food poisonings, such as having consumed chocolate or another substance to which they are intolerant.

#10 Eye changes

Dogs with eye pain usually end up squeezing themselves, and, in addition, the pupils get smaller. When dogs have pain in other body parts, the pupils get bigger and more dilated.

And what can owners do to help?

Take your dog to a veterinarian, and, while the dog is recovering, respect the space and time that is necessary. Do not promote physical activity. Keep the environment quiet and get him a very soft bed to feel comfortable and stress-free.

Ensure your dog receives the necessary medication prescribed by the veterinarian and always pay attention to the dog’s reactions.

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How to teach your dog to relieve itself in the right place

Reading Time: 3 min
Dog needs

One of the first lessons baby dogs should learn is where to relieve themselves. It is one of the most important lessons, but some dogs have difficulty acquiring habits about where they can do so. Learning where to go to the toilet is not difficult, and for that, we have chosen seven practical tips that will help you teach your dog.

To start teaching your dog, you must know precisely what you want to teach, as there are three situations to consider teaching:

-Teach the dog to relieve itself inside the house, in a specific place;
-Teach the dog to relieve itself on the street during the walk.

If you don’t have much time to walk your dog, it may be in your best interest to teach your pup to relieve themselves indoors. On the other hand, if you want to avoid smells and cleanliness, you may want to teach your dog to relieve themselves indoors.
As a last resort, you can teach both methods since you may not feel like walking your dog and want him to do his business indoors.

Although there are techniques that only work with baby dogs and others with adult dogs, we’ve put together seven quick tips that can help you solve the problem and work most of the time:

1st Before adopting a dog, you must choose and adapt the space wherever the dog needs to go. When he arrives, you’ll have everything organized and ready for him. Do not place the needs area with the feeding area, as dogs prefer to relieve themselves away from the food.

With a sheet of newspaper wet it lightly with dog urine and let it dry. Then place it where you want it to go, mixing the newspaper with the other sheets. Let the newspaper soak up urine just so the dog can smell it, but not enough for the owners to be able to smell it.

3rd Whenever you realize that your dog wants to relieve itself in the wrong place, pick him up immediately, without frightening him, and put him in the right place. Make this transition discreetly and with as few words as possible, as dogs can get used to the attention and will need to go to the wrong place to pick him up and hold him.

4th Don’t yell at your dog, as it’s in the learning phase, and it’s not advisable. This behavior can trigger worse scenarios, leading you to hide your necessities, doing it under your bed or other furniture.

5th Reward the dog to accelerate learning. Whenever he relieves himself in the right place, give him extra cookies, praise, and treat him.

6th Choose to remove all the rugs from the house to cancel the possibility of your dog relieving himself in the wrong place.

7th If your dog is an adult, sterilize it. During heat, dogs like to mark their territory and urinate in completely random places. If you neuter him, you’ll lessen the chances of this happening.

My dog ​​relieved himself in the wrong place. How can I clean?
Whenever your dog relieves himself in the wrong place, you can clean it with water and apply vinegar to eliminate odors if you have done it in an outdoor area. Thus, it prevents the dog from doing it again in the same place.

In the case of indoor areas, it is best to use a dog repellent, as it does not have a strong smell and is sufficient to eliminate odors, particularly in sofas, armchairs, furniture, rugs, etc.

At no time choose to show that you are upset with your dog urinating in the wrong places. Do not rub the muzzle in the urine or tap. This behavior will only make your dog afraid, starting to look for hidden locations inside the house to relieve himself. In extreme cases, dogs may even eat their feces to hide. So, ignore mistakes, eliminate odors and opt for the positive reward to teach your dog in the best way. Be patient and keep an eye on your dog.

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I’m going on vacation and my dog can’t go. What do I do?

Reading Time: 2 min

During the holiday season in Portugal, we often see an increase in abandoned animals on Portuguese streets. Despite all the warnings and awareness, there are still abandoned animals every year because the owners go on vacation.

Many owners want to go on vacation, but the destination or airline does not allow pets. What to do then? Learn about the alternatives to going on vacation without leaving your four-legged friend behind.

Leave your dog at a friend’s house

Whether it’s seven days, fifteen days, or one month, try to leave your dog at a friend’s house. Explain his needs and ask him to care for your little friend during his absence.

Leave your dog at home with plenty of food and water

If the holidays are for a short period, you can choose to leave your dog at home with enough food and water for the days you will be away. This solution can be tricky, as dogs can bark and yelp for hours at a time when alone. This situation will only disturb the neighbors, so you should only do this if you know your dog, ensuring that this will not happen.

If you have the opportunity, you can ask a family member or friend to stop by your house to confirm that everything is ok with the pup and keep him company.

Leave your dog in a dog hotel

A dog hotel has the services you are looking for when going on vacation. Accommodation walks, food, company, and care are some of your dog’s benefits in a dog hotel.


Some associations accept dogs and take care of them while you are away. As a last resort, if you don’t have anyone to stay with your dog or can’t pay for the services of a dog hotel, look for an association that accepts dogs for accommodation at the time of the holidays and leave your dog there.

Abandonment of animals in Portugal

Never abandon your dog at any time. Abandoning animals and dogs is a crime provided for in Portuguese legislation. According to Law 69/214, “Whoever, having the duty of guarding, monitoring or assisting a pet, abandons it, thus endangering its food and providing care due to it, is punished with a penalty. Imprisonment for up to six months or a fine of up to 60 days”.

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How to cut dog nails at home

Reading Time: 2 min
How to cut dog nails at home

Owners can cut dogs’ nails, but there are correct ways to do it. Cutting and keeping a dog’s nails in perfect condition is very important to avoid injuries, and, to do so, you must acquire the proper tools for the task to not hurt the dog.

Usually, dogs wear their nails naturally during walks, but this doesn’t always happen. Therefore, we should always check the dogs’ nails to ensure they are not excessively long and not hurting.

How to know if the nails are hurting the dog?
When the nails start to hurt, dogs usually cannot walk properly and adopt specific abnormal postures to support their paws. This situation can lead the dog to develop serious health problems such as injuries or sprains, and the nails can even pierce the skin causing pain and infection.

How do you know if your nails are big?
The nails should not exceed the paw pads, and when they do, it’s time to cut the nails.

What should I use to cut my nails?
To cut your dog’s nails, use ergonomic scissors with a plastic handle and the following termination:

How to cut dog nails at home
How to cut dog nails at home

If scissors scare your dog, you can choose to file the nail with a dog nail file.

How do I know how far to cut?
Inside the nail is a nerve that should never be cut. The nail has a pink line that ends at the tip, and that’s the limit. It is important to cut the nail’s natural shape.

Dogs with black nails, where it is not possible to see the nerve, should let your dog stand and cut the nails at floor level.

The nail cutting
Pretend to cut your nails and show a positive reaction. Before cutting nails, you should always familiarize your dog with scissors. Let him sniff and give him caresses to show him that there is nothing to fear.

If your dog moves during the mowing, ask someone to help hold the bigeye. It is very important to cut your nails safely. Oversee the dog’s nails to determine how far to cut. If you are afraid to cut your nails, we remind you that you can file.

If you’re not sure how far to cut, or because you’re afraid, because your dog’s hair is too long to see the nail, or because he’s aggressive, seek the help of a professional. A professional will know about all kinds of situations and can even observe how to cut the canine’s nails to learn.

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When should I cut my dog’s fur?

Reading Time: 3 min
Cut dog's fur

Dog hair bothers many owners and, in many cases, can even be bothersome to the dogs themselves. Either because they have their scent or because they come off easily, scattered around the house, namely on clothes and on the sofa.

Cutting the coat should be part of the routine for many dogs, especially if the weather is hot. It is also a way to keep the dog hygienic and the house clean.

When to cut the dog’s fur:

-On the hottest days, such as spring and summer, for example;
-When the dog usually loses a lot of hair;
-When the long fur touches the ground;
-When the fur easily gains an intense smell.

These are the main reasons to cut your hair, but you don’t need a reason to do so. If you think it’s the best for your dog and even for you, it is best to cut it.

Can I cut my dog’s fur?

Owners can cut their dogs’ fur, but they should be aware of the risks they take. It is possible that you missed the animal’s skin, injuring it. You must be sure of the areas to be cut, and only then should you proceed with the cut.

Also, know that you should use a shaver and not scissors for a reason mentioned above. Cutting with scissors and the risk of missing the skin is not accurate and leaves cut marks on the dog’s fur, not getting uniform. Using a shaver prevents the cut and goes the hair uniform, without any differences along with the cut.

Before starting the cut, you should always wash your bigeye and dry it afterward. If you wash your dog before cutting the hair with the machine, you will prevent debris from damaging it.

After the bath, cut the fur carefully and take as much time as necessary to complete the task. In the end, give the dog another bath to remove the cut hairs from the animal’s skin.

Can I cut the dog’s whiskers?
Never cut your dog’s whiskers! Do not. Mustaches are a crucial element that helps dogs’ eyesight and smell, so they must be kept intact.

My dog ​​won’t let me cut his fur. What to do?

First of all, start by familiarizing the dog with the tools you will use. Let him smell and hear the machines, scissors, or dryer. Give it time and start slowly by cutting the fur. We suggest that you talk to him in a happy tone during the process and show him that there is nothing to fear. It’s essential to keep calm for him to feel it.

If you are still having difficulties or doubts about how to cut your dog’s fur and don’t feel comfortable doing it, seek the help of a professional. A professional will cut your dog’s fur correctly, and if you watch, you will learn how to do it and even some techniques you can use.

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Can my dog run with me?

Reading Time: 2 min
exercício físico com cão, exercício físico cão

Many owners like to take advantage of the fact that they do physical exercise to take their dogs for a walk. However, many people wonder to what extent they can “pull” the animal’s resistance since they do not have the same capacity as humans.

Dogs are highly resistant animals, but only when they are young adults. Older and even elderly dogs cannot have the same performance and accompany their owners. Before taking your pup with you to run, walk and even ride a bike for a long time or long distances, be aware of the dog’s age, breed, paw size, dog behavior in the presence of other people/animals, and even Meteorological conditions.

In the hours of greater sun exposure, where there are paths without shade, you should avoid taking your dog, as it is hotter and the ground is more burning. You should consider several factors to determine whether you should take your dog to train with you.

Precautions to be taken when taking the dog to exercise

1. Hydrate your dog
Give the dog water to keep it hydrated and less tired. If you took him with you, keep in mind that the walk should also be pleasurable for him.

2. Use collar
Prevent your dog from moving away and approaching other dogs and people. Using the collar is a way to keep him protected, by your side, away from cars or other hazards on the road.

3. Pay attention to the floor
Hot and rocky ground are some of the examples of floors that hurt and burn dogs’ paws. If you’re thinking of exercising on one of these floors, don’t. Running is an activity that requires consistency, which will hurt the animal.

4. Don’t euthanize the dog
Don’t make the dog an athlete because it’s not. Dogs have limits that must be respected. Constantly evaluate the animal’s behavior, and whenever it shows fatigue, stop. Give the dog time to rest and recover.

5. Start training slowly
Don’t start training your dog as if you were going to run a marathon. As with humans, physical activity in dogs should start from the simplest and most basic levels, gradually increasing the intensity.

6. Vaccines up to date
Ensure the dog has its vaccines up to date so that it does not transmit or acquire diseases from the street or other animals. Protect your pet!

In addition to the care you must take when taking your dog to exercise, you can also consult your veterinarian and confirm that everything is fine with the animal’s health status. Sporting is a good reason to leave the house and take your dog with you, but always respect the dog’s limits.

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How to prepare your dog for the arrival of the baby

Reading Time: 3 min
Como apresentar o bebé ao cão

Introducing a newborn baby to a dog is an issue that worries many parents, as it is a very decisive moment for the well-being of everyone in the house.

Dogs are known to be friends, but some dogs react badly to the baby’s arrival, mainly because they are afraid or, in some cases, jealous. However, the good news is that most dogs react positively, even developing affection for the baby beyond reacting with strangeness and curiosity.

Still, you should prepare your dog before and during the baby’s presentation. Find out how!

Before the presentation

1. Let the dog approach your belly
Allow your faithful friend to notice and gain a special affection for the baby. Dogs are intelligent and quickly notice that there is something inside the mother’s belly. In addition to being intelligent, they are sentimental, and the approach of the belly will make the dog gain feelings for the new member of the family.

2. Educate your dog
Some mothers do not want dogs to enter the baby’s room or bark to not wake the child. To avoid less good and even frustrating episodes for both you and your dog, start teaching the animal where it can enter, where it cannot teach it to bark less and make less noise.

3. Come up with a fictional baby
Yes, you read that right. To get your dog used to the new sounds that he will be dealing with in the future, play sounds of babies laughing, crying, and even “talking” for the animal to get used to. Babies’ voices can be very aggressive to the dogs’ ears, so it’s important that he starts getting used to and familiarizing himself with these sounds as soon as possible!

4. Pay attention to the dog!
This is a very important tip. A baby’s arrival is more than enough reason for your world to revolve around the child, but don’t forget to give the dog the necessary attention. Dogs should never be despised! Although attention wanes, show him that he won’t be overlooked.
Continue to give him affection, attention and walk him.

During the presentation

1. Let the dog smell
Start by first presenting the hospital bags and objects already used by the child, as they have the baby’s scent. Give the dog time to smell and assimilate what is happening. Go petting and talk to him. Transform the moment into a happy and pleasant environment for everyone.

2. Time to show the baby!
Start by introducing the baby from afar calmly. Get closer and analyze the dog’s reaction. As you approach, cuddle the child, so the dog understands that you like the baby and that there is nothing to be afraid of.

3. The final date
After you have calmly introduced the baby to your dog, it’s time to put the child down and, always protecting him, let your dog approach him independently. Give it time, as this is a time of many uncertainties. When the dog finally decides to come over, let him sniff the baby. You will see that your faithful four-legged friend will take less than 2 minutes to decide to lick the child and shower him with kisses.

4. Don’t protect the baby from the dog too much
Preventing your dog from approaching and licking the child is a mistake. We are not saying to let your dog thoroughly lick the baby, but not letting such an approach happen is an error.
By preventing your dog from getting to know and getting close to the youngest member of the family, you will leave your dog frustrated and sad, which, as you can imagine, would not be suitable for the environment at home and the dog’s life.

If, even after all the care, your dog is still away, afraid, and refuses to meet the child, do not force the approach at any time. The pup probably needs time to gain courage and overcome fear.

As the days go by, the dog will naturally approach. Until then, don’t leave the two alone in the same place and respect the dog’s space.

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How to calm a dog afraid of fireworks?

Reading Time: 2 min
Dogs afraid of fireworks

The festive seasons are always very difficult for dogs, and anyone knows what we are talking about.

Dogs can’t stand the noise of fireworks and get scared, anxious, nervous, and, in some cases, these states can take hours to pass completely. But why? Simply because they don’t know the nature of the noise and associate it with some approaching danger or threat.

Therefore, the owner has a crucial role in the way he deals with these moments of stress and, to deal with them in the best possible way, we list some points that he can put into practice to help his bigeye!

Help your dog to have fun
Talk to him and give him cuddles. Show him there is nothing to fear and try to distract him from the sounds. Although it is impossible to abstract the dog from the noise completely, do your best to focus on your voice, feeling that there is no need to be afraid through your calm and tranquility.

Pay attention to his voice. Don’t talk to your dog with a voice of sadness, but with a firm and even happy voice. He used to smile. He will recognize and associate it with something positive.

Muffle the outside sounds
Keep the noise down as much as you can and put your dog in a faraway room or with good insulation. Also, choose to put on background music, calm, to hear the fireworks less.

Close all windows, gates, and doors
Both to muffle the sound and prevent the bigeye from running away and seeking refuge elsewhere. This attitude is very common in dogs that, with desperation, look for safer places where they can hide.

Don’t leave the dog alone
Leaving the dog alone to deal with the problem will only worsen the situation.
Owners can calm the dog by talking to him with food and toys, but respect it if the dog wants to be quiet.
The important thing is that he feels safer with you next to him. Even if you move away, you will notice that he chases you around the house to feel protected, so don’t push him out at any time.

Take advantage of personal protection
If you live in an area with many fireworks, buy a dog ear protector, so the noise is muffled as much as possible.

Soothing for extreme cases
If your dog has severe reactions to the sound of fireworks, try to give him a calming pill. Before doing so, we advise you to seek veterinary help so that you can prescribe the most suitable medication for your dog.

Protect your dog’s best friend, your dog.

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Top 7 benefits of owning a dog

Reading Time: 2 min
Benefícios de ter um Cão

Owning a dog can bring many benefits to people’s health and lives. For many, a dog is a friend and a sign of companionship. They are known to be very friendly and love their owner unconditionally.

If you already have a dog or want to have one, learn about the seven main benefits that these little friends give us:

1. Help owners stay in shape
Having a dog forces the owner to take him outside to relieve himself, and they are even a source of motivation to exercise. The dog is an animal that easily accompanies its owner and, therefore, is a good incentive for owners who like to walk or run.

2. Loyal Friends
They are our true friends. Regardless of the emotional state that the owner is in or even less good attitudes, the dog always welcomes him at home happily and enthusiastically. We can always count on dogs for all times!

3. Less stress
Studies prove that having a dog makes owners happier and less stressed. Why? Dogs show us the positive side of life and make us forget about our problems. The simple fact of having to take it to the street to do its needs makes the owners go for a walk, forgetting for a brief moment the less good things.

4. Improves babies’ immune system
Dogs are easily subject to dirt, which makes babies who come into contact with them develop their immune systems. In this way, they can fight coughs, colds, and ear infections more easily.

5. Decreased depression in the elderly
Seniors who have dogs feel less alone and less sad. Dogs are a way for elderly owners to entertain themselves and have “someone” to talk to. They are also a reason to go out and talk to other people.

6. Contributes to social life
During a dog walk, the owner is more likely to talk to other people along the way. Owners with dogs are a strong reason for approaching other people, leading them to speak with other people and, therefore, have a more active social life.

7. Teach owners to be better people
Both for children and adults. Dogs teach owners to see the world more positively and love without expecting anything in return.

Summing up

A dog is a faithful companion, and no wonder they say they are our best friends. They can bring many more benefits to people’s lives than those mentioned above. However, it is important to evaluate all the conditions to have one. Adopting a dog requires responsibility, care, and some monthly expenses that must be adequately anticipated.

Enjoy life in the company of a dog!

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